Sunday, August 4, 2013

Widening the Circle

It is not uncommon for COASSTers to note that one aspect of their decision to participate in the program involves a sense that they are making a valuable contribution by investing in something that matters and has great worth. Exactly what matters to each person, however, and the reasons they believe COASST work is valuable can differ from person to person, an aspect I’ve found intriguing throughout my interviews. When discussing this question in more depth today with several COASST volunteers in Lincoln City (OR), I have to say I was quite inspired by the profundity of their answers. For Steve and Dolly (Salishan Spit), Janice (Tierra del Mar N) and Sue (OR Mile 254), there is no question that their dedication to the program stems from a strong desire to give back, honor, and appreciate the natural world and the other creatures we share it with. Participation for them is an intentional and concerted act in service to nature, a place where they each find immense beauty and meaning yet they worry is disregarded more often than not. These four volunteers share a deep-seated sense of responsibility when it comes to respecting and conserving the web of life that surrounds us all, from the smallest of zooplankton to the top predators of the food chain. Their ardent commitment to service in this vein was more than impressive, it was compelling and stirring as well. It is this kind of service that Albert Einstein (yes, the pillar of modern physics) wrote about long ago when he said “our task must be to free ourselves by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature and its beauty.” Steve, Dolly, Janice, and Sue – thanks for all you do to widen our circle!

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